Saturday, 30 November 2013

Self-Discovery Game: Relationships - Assess, Reconcile, Gain Insights

  • October 24 · 7:00 PM
  • We had a session and played a self-discovery game, with the theme of "Relationships" be it either couple, friends, family as well as share & discuss the model played.
Is there a divine purpose behind everything that happens? If we are willing to embrace that possibility, every aspect of our life can change. This is a rather revolutionary method for experiencing freedom, peace and renewed energy. A rather psychic game too we found, plus its loads of fun in building self-awareness through group.
We had three of us time to play the game. Omar played it to find peace with humankind in general and himself, where he felt that unless he reached the stage of Gandhi he would not be satisfied with himself. He found through the game, that it doesn't really matter to what stage you reach or are at, but really the most important thing is that we make a difference in the lives of others and everyone around us. We are compassionate to ourselves and others.
The second player was looking for an answer on his to-be relationship. He felt that in order to get people to like him, he would need to be the person his would-be partner wants. But instead as he played the game he came to an understanding that its best being ourselves, our true authentic self, if we can't be true to ourself then others would not be true to us as well!
The most important lesson we learned: Life that appears random is actually something well-planned to teach us to grow into better people and for the service of compassion in a wider sense. There is a bigger picture out there of thing that happens if only we are willing to see it.
This event is for anyone who is interested in experiencing & sharing in group session on methods of reframing the past, transforming the self and creating a new future.
It is aimed at achieving development and promoting understanding of the self, in a fun way for learning, sharing and meet up!
You are invited to join these events Meetups if you are just anyone interested in building a new you or understanding situations around you better.

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